About the Site
Well-Watered Fruit is a space for people looking to do their faith walk in a world full of temptation and constant negativity. Ephesians 6 says to put on the whole armour of God (Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit) to protect against the schemes of the Evil One (‘cause he be scheming); The minute you take any one of those pieces of armour off you are subject to getting attacked. My belief is that if you stay attached to the vine (Jesus) you won’t get taken down by the attack no matter how much ammunition is in the arsenal.
The Vision for Well-Watered Fruit
The content here is to keep your roots strong so that you can have a strong attachment to Jesus, the vine. Through example, I want to fill you up and keep you filled up in the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) so that there’s less room to be filled up with toxic water that is going to cause damage to your roots and you can bear your own good fruit.
It is my hope that while you’re here you will find inspiration for how all parts of you show up in the world - not just the spiritual side of you. We exist mind, body and soul and that’s how I intend to water you. No matter how you roll through life, I want to provide you with the inspiration to push through - whether that’s with music to listen to when you just want to box someone, encouraging words for when the hits just keep coming, prayers for when you don’t know what to say or just need a laugh. While you’re here check out the marketplace for various items that speak to the practical fun parts of who we are.
In closing, I do not intend for this to be a space for toxic positivity but I do believe in maintaining a positive mindset. To be clear, the world is not an easy thing to navigate and the road to heaven isn’t paved with rose petals and rainbows but I have found some ways to navigate it.
My plan is to be transparent, the good and the bad, but if I’m being real I’ve also found that humans tend to focus on the negative once it’s presented. You can have one bad day and then have five good ones and people will be like “umm, she good now but she was ugly crying about xyz just last week”. For this reason, I would prefer if you journey with me to see how things fare on a whole by subscribing to my blog rather than judging by a post or a story how things are going. I stand by my words but I do so with the caveat that my viewpoint on a subject might evolve based on growth or experience. It’s most important that you know that this is me flaws and all providing you with life from MY perspective. Please use your own spiritual measure and discernment for how you should receive anything that I write.
Tiffany, The Constant Gardener 💜🌱